Sterling Ochoa

Sterling is 11 years old.

She has undergone multiple surgeries to help correct her Spina Bifida, excessive fluid in her skull, recurring urinary tract infections, and achilles tendon correction. Her kidneys are not functioning properly, so she is on a strict diet.

She does not attend school currently. She attends The Mercy Center for physical therapy and education support.

She talks, listens, likes to sing and plays with stuffed animals.

Her birthday is April 12!

Sponsor Sterling!

$90 a month covers the full cost for Sterling to receive weekly therapy and care at The Mercy Center. Those funds cover the salaries of our therapists and staff, the cost of transporting Sterling to and from the Center, the meals we provide her at the Center, and the materials needed to operate the Center.

We have divided that cost into three so that sponsors can give what they can!